Excellence Starts Here LLC, dba DudeShopping and makes every effort to respect copyright laws, trademarks, patents and image rights. If you believe that material available on infringes on your copyright(s), please notify us by providing a DMCA notice. We will reply promptly upon reviewing the notice and if warranted, will take action to remove any material infringing on company trademark or copyrights.

To notify us of an alleged infringement: send an email to Hello (at) with the subject line: Copyright material infringement / DMCA takedown request.

Please include the following information (or as much as possible) when contacting us:

  • Name of Copyright holder (yourself, or whom you represent)
  • Location/specific URL of the unauthorized material. Please include more than simply “”; you must provide the full and exact link of the post, page, or image where the content appears
  • Description of the copyrighted work for identification purposes
  • Location of originally copyrighted work (where your original material is located on the internet, or elsewhere)
  • A statement in good faith that you believe the use of copyrighted materials described is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or applicable law, and is not subject to fair use or other legal protection
  • A statement, under penalty of perjury, that the information in your notification is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner with an exclusive right of use and protection that is allegedly infringed
  • Your full name, mailing address, ten-digit telephone number and email address
  • Electronic or physical signature or electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on your behalf (typing your full name with the preceding “/s/” indication will serve as your digital signature, and shall be legally binding)

Please keep in mind that any person who materially misrepresents material or activity is infringing is liable for damages including costs and attorney fees.