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Brawlhalla is our favorite PC game on Steam right now

It’s been around for awhile, so forgive me if I’m late to the party. As a serial console gamer (PS4), and someone who hasn’t really forayed into the world of PC gaming in quite some time, I recently stumbled into the world of Steam.

Steam is basically a massive app store/game hub for all things PC gaming. After hearing briefly about Brawlhalla from someone else, it was time to give it a shot.

Brawlhalla is akin to Super Smash Brothers – I think that’s the best comparison for your average video game player. But unlike Smash Brothers, you won’t recognize any of the characters (although there is one that basically looks like Zelda).

The first thing I thought to myself was – okay, this is super random. The graphics aren’t anything incredible.. I’ll give it about 10 minutes and then I’ll never play this again. Of course, I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I started off by playing Online, against one other opponent. I figured – how hard can this be? I’ll select the badass dude with the beard, jump around a little bit and swing my massive axe at the other guy. After getting rocked 3 times in a row (ending in shameful defeat) I didn’t feel like I could let it go. Yeah, I had no idea what I was doing.. but why couldn’t I figure this out?

Fast-forward several hours later, where I was obsessing over combination techniques, trying to figure out what the best way to jump your way back to safety was after being whacked across the entire level, and starting to actually win some rounds. At first I thought playing 1v1 was an incredible amount of fun; then I tried the 4 person free-for-all and spent a few more hours having even more fun.

The best part about Brawlhalla? It’s free to play. Sure, you can buy some upgrades if you feel the need – but I still haven’t, and I’m pretty content.

Have a few hours to burn? Give Brawlhalla a run, and you might just find your new favorite game.  They’ve even announced a release date for the PS4 version of Brawlhalla – sounds like a match made in heaven.

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